martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

The Deserted Tram Depot, Where Ghostly No. 10 Stands Ready

Enter a deserted tram depot, where the ghostly forms of abandoned trams still stand on rusting tracks. Heavily graffitied, it’s almost as if the defunct urban rail vehicles were parked in their maintenance sheds one night by crews who simply never returned for their next shift. All in all, the scene is one of desolation. Photographer Alessandro Sicco‘s image makes for a striking composition. The defunct streetcars seem poised to roll out of the forgotten depot to greet waiting commuters, with the No. 10 leading the charge. Perhaps these trams are merely mothballed awaiting reactivation, but the condition of the space around them makes this seem unlikely. Read Next: A Symmetrical Cemetery of Abandoned Tramcars

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